.. highlight:: rest :mod:`sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel` -- Allow reference sections using its title ============================================================================== .. module:: sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel :synopsis: Allow reference section its title. .. versionadded:: 1.4 This extension allows you to refer sections its title. This affects to the reference role (:rst:role:`ref`). For example:: A Plain Title ------------- This is the text of the section. It refers to the section title, see :ref:`A Plain Title`. Internally, this extension generates the labels for each section. If same section names are used in whole of document, any one is used for a target by default. The ``autosectionlabel_prefix_document`` configuration variable can be used to make headings which appear multiple times but in different documents unique. Configuration ------------- .. confval:: autosectionlabel_prefix_document True to prefix each section label with the name of the document it is in, followed by a colon. For example, ``index:Introduction`` for a section called ``Introduction`` that appears in document ``index.rst``. Useful for avoiding ambiguity when the same section heading appears in different documents. .. confval:: autosectionlabel_maxdepth If set, autosectionlabel chooses the sections for labeling by its depth. For example, when set 1 to ``autosectionlabel_maxdepth``, labels are generated only for top level sections, and deeper sections are not labeled. It defaults to ``None`` (disabled). Debugging --------- The ``WARNING: undefined label`` indicates that your reference in :rst:role:`ref` is mis-spelled. Invoking :program:`sphinx-build` with ``-vvv`` (see :option:`-v`) will print all section names and the labels that have been generated for them. This output can help finding the right reference label.