
class sphinx.domains.Domain(env: BuildEnvironment)[ソース]


ドメインごとに、既存のオブジェクトの情報や、それらへの参照の仕方などを個別の領域に保存します。保存先は self.data で、辞書でなければなりません。また、Sphinxの一部として決まったフォーマットでオブジェクトの情報を公開するための関数や、ユーザが参照できるようにしたり、ドメインごとの方法でオブジェクトを探索する関数をいくつか実装する必要があります。

About self.data: since all object and cross-referencing information is stored on a BuildEnvironment instance, the domain.data object is also stored in the env.domaindata dict under the key domain.name. Before the build process starts, every active domain is instantiated and given the environment object; the domaindata dict must then either be nonexistent or a dictionary whose 'version' key is equal to the domain class' data_version attribute. Otherwise, OSError is raised and the pickled environment is discarded.

add_object_type(name: str, objtype: ObjType) None[ソース]

Add an object type.

check_consistency() None[ソース]

Do consistency checks (experimental).

clear_doc(docname: str) None[ソース]


directive(name: str) Callable | None[ソース]

self.name で指定されたドメイン付きで、完全な名前('ドメイン:名前')で登録されたディレクティブ を与える、ディレクティブアダプタークラスを返します。

get_enumerable_node_type(node: Node) str | None[ソース]

Get type of enumerable nodes (experimental).

get_full_qualified_name(node: Element) str | None[ソース]

Return full qualified name for given node.

get_objects() Iterable[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, int]][ソース]

Return an iterable of "object descriptions".

Object descriptions are tuples with six items:


Fully qualified name.


Name to display when searching/linking.


Object type, a key in self.object_types.


The document where it is to be found.


The anchor name for the object.


How "important" the object is (determines placement in search results). One of:


Default priority (placed before full-text matches).


Object is important (placed before default-priority objects).


Object is unimportant (placed after full-text matches).


Object should not show up in search at all.

get_type_name(type: ObjType, primary: bool = False) str[ソース]


merge_domaindata(docnames: list[str], otherdata: dict[str, Any]) None[ソース]

Merge in data regarding docnames from a different domaindata inventory (coming from a subprocess in parallel builds).

process_doc(env: BuildEnvironment, docname: str, document: nodes.document) None[ソース]


process_field_xref(pnode: pending_xref) None[ソース]

Process a pending xref created in a doc field. For example, attach information about the current scope.

resolve_any_xref(env: BuildEnvironment, fromdocname: str, builder: Builder, target: str, node: pending_xref, contnode: Element) list[tuple[str, Element]][ソース]

target を持つ、 pending_xref (未解決のクロスリファレンス) node の参照先の解決を行います。

"any", もしくはそれに類似するロールに基づくリファレンスは、タイプがわからないということを意味します。もしくは、引数が resolve_xref() と同様のものであるかです。

このメソッドはタプルを要素に持つリストを返す必要があります(リストは空の可能性があります)。各要素はタプルで、 ('domain:role', newnode) の形式です。 'domain:role''py:func' のようなnewnodeを生成するときに使われるロール名で、 newnoderesolve_xref() の返値と同じです。

Added in version 1.3.

resolve_xref(env: BuildEnvironment, fromdocname: str, builder: Builder, typ: str, target: str, node: pending_xref, contnode: Element) Element | None[ソース]

typ 型と、 target を持つ、 pending_xref (未解決のクロスリファレンス) node の参照先の解決を行います。

このメソッドは、xrefノードと置き換えるための、新しいノードを返さなければなりません。また、この新しいノードには、クロスリファレンスのマークアップのコンテンツである、 contnode を含めます。

If no resolution can be found, None can be returned; the xref node will then given to the missing-reference event, and if that yields no resolution, replaced by contnode.

The method can also raise sphinx.environment.NoUri to suppress the missing-reference event being emitted.

role(name: str) RoleFunction | None[ソース]


setup() None[ソース]

Set up domain object.

dangling_warnings: dict[str, str] = {}

ロール名 -> リファレンスが存在しないときの警告メッセージ

data: dict

data value

data_version = 0

データのバージョンです。もしも self.data 内のフォーマットを変更したときには、この数字を上げてください。

directives: dict[str, type[Directive]] = {}


enumerable_nodes: dict[type[Node], tuple[str, TitleGetter | None]] = {}

node_class -> (enum_node_type, title_getter)

indices: list[type[Index]] = []


initial_data: dict = {}


label = ''

ドメインのラベルです。 name よりも長く、説明的な名前です。メッセージ内で利用されます。

name = ''


object_types: dict[str, ObjType] = {}


roles: dict[str, RoleFunction | XRefRole] = {}


class sphinx.domains.ObjType(lname: str, *roles: Any, **attrs: Any)[ソース]

ObjTypeは、そのドメインでドキュメントを書くことができる、オブジェクトの種類に対する説明ユニットです。Domainのサブクラスの object_types の辞書の中に、オブジェクト名と、このクラスのインスタンスのマッピングが保持されます。


  • lname: ローカライズされた型名

  • roles: この型を参照できる、すべてのロール

  • attrs: オブジェクトの属性。現在では、全文検索インデックス内での、オブジェクトの優先順位(Domain.get_objects() 参照)のみが定義されています。

class sphinx.domains.Index(domain: Domain)[ソース]


  • name is an identifier used for generating file names. It is also used for a hyperlink target for the index. Therefore, users can refer the index page using ref role and a string which is combined domain name and name attribute (ex. :ref:`py-modindex`).

  • localname は索引のセクションタイトルです。

  • shortname は索引に対する短い名前です。これは、HTML出力のリレーションバーで使用されます。もしも空であれば、リレーションバーのエントリーは無効化されます。

次に、 generate() メソッドを提供するようにします。最後に、自分の作ったドメインのDomainクラスが持つ、 indices リストに追加します。拡張機能の中で add_index_to_domain() メソッドを呼ぶと、既存のドメインに対して、索引を追加することもできます。

バージョン 3.0 で変更: Index pages can be referred by domain name and index name via ref role.

abstract generate(docnames: Iterable[str] | None = None) tuple[list[tuple[str, list[IndexEntry]]], bool][ソース]

Get entries for the index.

If docnames is given, restrict to entries referring to these docnames.

The return value is a tuple of (content, collapse):


A boolean that determines if sub-entries should start collapsed (for output formats that support collapsing sub-entries).


A sequence of (letter, entries) tuples, where letter is the "heading" for the given entries, usually the starting letter, and entries is a sequence of single entries. Each entry is a sequence [name, subtype, docname, anchor, extra, qualifier, descr]. The items in this sequence have the following meaning:


The name of the index entry to be displayed.


The sub-entry related type. One of:


A normal entry.


An entry with sub-entries.


A sub-entry.


docname where the entry is located.


Anchor for the entry within docname


Extra info for the entry.


Qualifier for the description.


Description for the entry.

Qualifier and description are not rendered for some output formats such as LaTeX.

class sphinx.directives.ObjectDescription(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[ソース]

Directive to describe a class, function or similar object. Not used directly, but subclassed (in domain-specific directives) to add custom behavior.

_object_hierarchy_parts(sig_node: desc_signature) tuple[str, ...][ソース]

Returns a tuple of strings, one entry for each part of the object's hierarchy (e.g. ('module', 'submodule', 'Class', 'method')). The returned tuple is used to properly nest children within parents in the table of contents, and can also be used within the _toc_entry_name() method.

This method must not be used outwith table of contents generation.

_toc_entry_name(sig_node: desc_signature) str[ソース]

Returns the text of the table of contents entry for the object.

This function is called once, in run(), to set the name for the table of contents entry (a special attribute _toc_name is set on the object node, later used in environment.collectors.toctree.TocTreeCollector.process_doc().build_toc() when the table of contents entries are collected).

To support table of contents entries for their objects, domains must override this method, also respecting the configuration setting toc_object_entries_show_parents. Domains must also override _object_hierarchy_parts(), with one (string) entry for each part of the object's hierarchy. The result of this method is set on the signature node, and can be accessed as sig_node['_toc_parts'] for use within this method. The resulting tuple is also used to properly nest children within parents in the table of contents.

An example implementations of this method is within the python domain (PyObject._toc_entry_name()). The python domain sets the _toc_parts attribute within the handle_signature() method.

add_target_and_index(name: ObjDescT, sig: str, signode: desc_signature) None[ソース]

Add cross-reference IDs and entries to self.indexnode, if applicable.

name is whatever handle_signature() returned.

after_content() None[ソース]

Called after parsing content. Used to reset information about the current directive context on the build environment.

before_content() None[ソース]

Called before parsing content. Used to set information about the current directive context on the build environment.

get_signatures() list[str][ソース]

Retrieve the signatures to document from the directive arguments. By default, signatures are given as arguments, one per line.

handle_signature(sig: str, signode: desc_signature) ObjDescT[ソース]

Parse the signature sig into individual nodes and append them to signode. If ValueError is raised, parsing is aborted and the whole sig is put into a single desc_name node.

The return value should be a value that identifies the object. It is passed to add_target_and_index() unchanged, and otherwise only used to skip duplicates.

run() list[Node][ソース]

Main directive entry function, called by docutils upon encountering the directive.

This directive is meant to be quite easily subclassable, so it delegates to several additional methods. What it does:

  • find out if called as a domain-specific directive, set self.domain

  • create a desc node to fit all description inside

  • parse standard options, currently no-index

  • create an index node if needed as self.indexnode

  • parse all given signatures (as returned by self.get_signatures()) using self.handle_signature(), which should either return a name or raise ValueError

  • add index entries using self.add_target_and_index()

  • parse the content and handle doc fields in it

transform_content(contentnode: desc_content) None[ソース]

Called after creating the content through nested parsing, but before the object-description-transform event is emitted, and before the info-fields are transformed. Can be used to manipulate the content.

final_argument_whitespace = True

May the final argument contain whitespace?

has_content = True

May the directive have content?

option_spec: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[str], Any]]] = {'no-contents-entry': <function flag>, 'no-index': <function flag>, 'no-index-entry': <function flag>, 'no-typesetting': <function flag>, 'nocontentsentry': <function flag>, 'noindex': <function flag>, 'noindexentry': <function flag>}

Mapping of option names to validator functions.

optional_arguments = 0

Number of optional arguments after the required arguments.

required_arguments = 1

Number of required directive arguments.

Python Domain

class sphinx.domains.python.PythonDomain(env: BuildEnvironment)[ソース]

Python language domain.

note_object(name: str, objtype: str, node_id: str, aliased: bool = False, location: Any = None) None[ソース]

Note a python object for cross reference.

Added in version 2.1.

note_module(name: str, node_id: str, synopsis: str, platform: str, deprecated: bool) None[ソース]

Note a python module for cross reference.

Added in version 2.1.