Build environment API

class sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment[source]



Reference to the Sphinx (application) object.


Reference to the Config object.


Target project. See Project.


Source directory.


Directory for storing pickled doctrees.


An EventManager object.


A set of all existing docnames.


Dictionary mapping docnames to « metadata » (see File-wide metadata).


Dictionary mapping docnames to the docutils node for their main title.


Returns the docname of the document currently being parsed.

Utility methods

doc2path(docname: str, base: bool = True) str[source]

Return the filename for the document name.

If base is True, return absolute path under self.srcdir. If base is False, return relative path to self.srcdir.

relfn2path(filename: str, docname: str | None = None) tuple[str, str][source]

Return paths to a file referenced from a document, relative to documentation root and absolute.

In the input « filename », absolute filenames are taken as relative to the source dir, while relative filenames are relative to the dir of the containing document.

note_dependency(filename: str) None[source]

Add filename as a dependency of the current document.

This means that the document will be rebuilt if this file changes.

filename should be absolute or relative to the source directory.

new_serialno(category: str = '') int[source]

Return a serial number, e.g. for index entry targets.

The number is guaranteed to be unique in the current document.

note_reread() None[source]

Add the current document to the list of documents that will automatically be re-read at the next build.