
それぞれのSphinx拡張は、最低でも setup() 関数を一つ持っている、Pythonモジュールです。この関数は初期化時に一つの引数を伴って呼び出されます。この引数はapplicationオブジェクトで、Sphinxのプロセスに関する情報を持っています。

class sphinx.application.Sphinx[ソース]




Sphinx拡張APIの使用法に関するサンプルは、Sphinx標準の sphinx.ext のパッケージの中を見てください。

Sphinx.setup_extension(extname: str) None[ソース]

Import and setup a Sphinx extension module.

Load the extension given by the module name. Use this if your extension needs the features provided by another extension. No-op if called twice.

static Sphinx.require_sphinx(version: tuple[int, int] | str) None[ソース]

Check the Sphinx version if requested.

Compare version with the version of the running Sphinx, and abort the build when it is too old.


version -- The required version in the form of major.minor or (major, minor).

Added in version 1.0.

バージョン 7.1 で変更: Type of version now allows (major, minor) form.

Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['config-inited'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Config], None], priority: int = 500) int[ソース]
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['builder-inited'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['env-get-outdated'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, Set[str], Set[str], Set[str]], Sequence[str]], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['env-before-read-docs'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, list[str]], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['env-purge-doc'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, str], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['source-read'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, list[str]], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['include-read'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Path, str, list[str]], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['doctree-read'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, nodes.document], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['env-merge-info'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, list[str], BuildEnvironment], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['env-updated'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment], str], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['env-get-updated'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment], Iterable[str]], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['env-check-consistency'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['write-started'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Builder], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['doctree-resolved'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, nodes.document, str], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['missing-reference'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, addnodes.pending_xref, nodes.TextElement], nodes.reference | None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['warn-missing-reference'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Domain, addnodes.pending_xref], bool | None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['build-finished'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Exception | None], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['html-collect-pages'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx], Iterable[tuple[str, dict[str, Any], str]]], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['html-page-context'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, str, dict[str, Any], nodes.document], str | None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['linkcheck-process-uri'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str], str | None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['object-description-transform'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, str, addnodes.desc_content], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['autodoc-process-docstring'], callback: _AutodocProcessDocstringListener, priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['autodoc-before-process-signature'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Any, bool], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['autodoc-process-signature'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Literal['module', 'class', 'exception', 'function', 'method', 'attribute'], str, Any, dict[str, bool], str | None, str | None], tuple[str | None, str | None] | None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['autodoc-process-bases'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, Any, dict[str, bool], list[str]], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['autodoc-skip-member'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Literal['module', 'class', 'exception', 'function', 'method', 'attribute'], str, Any, bool, dict[str, bool]], bool], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['todo-defined'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, todo_node], None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['viewcode-find-source'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str], tuple[str, dict[str, tuple[Literal['class', 'def', 'other'], int, int]]]], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: Literal['viewcode-follow-imported'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, str], str | None], priority: int = 500) int
Sphinx.connect(event: str, callback: Callable[..., Any], priority: int = 500) int

Register callback to be called when event is emitted.

For details on available core events and the arguments of callback functions, please see Event callbacks API.

  • event -- The name of target event

  • callback -- Callback function for the event

  • priority -- The priority of the callback. The callbacks will be invoked in order of priority (ascending).


A listener ID. It can be used for disconnect().

バージョン 3.0 で変更: Support priority

Sphinx.disconnect(listener_id: int) None[ソース]

Unregister callback by listener_id.


listener_id -- A listener_id that connect() returns

Sphinx.add_builder(builder: type[Builder], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a new builder.

  • builder -- A builder class

  • override -- If true, install the builder forcedly even if another builder is already installed as the same name

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_config_value(name: str, default: Any, rebuild: _ConfigRebuild, types: type | Collection[type] | ENUM = (), description: str = '') None[ソース]

Register a configuration value.

This is necessary for Sphinx to recognize new values and set default values accordingly.

  • name -- The name of the configuration value. It is recommended to be prefixed with the extension name (ex. html_logo, epub_title)

  • default -- The default value of the configuration.

  • rebuild --

    The condition of rebuild. It must be one of those values:

    • 'env' 設定を変更してからビルドをかけると、環境全体が再ビルドされます。

    • 'html' この設定を変更してからビルドをかけた場合、出力がHTMLの時にフル再ビルドされます。

    • '' 設定を変更してもなにも再ビルドに関しては影響を与えません。

  • types -- The type of configuration value. A list of types can be specified. For example, [str] is used to describe a configuration that takes string value.

  • description -- A short description of the configuration value.

バージョン 0.4 で変更: If the default value is a callable, it will be called with the config object as its argument in order to get the default value. This can be used to implement config values whose default depends on other values.

バージョン 0.6 で変更: rebuild が単純なブーリアン型('', 'env' に相当)から文字列に変更されました。後方互換性のために、ブーリアン型も受け取ることが可能で、その場合には内部で変換されます。

Added in version 7.4: The description parameter.

Sphinx.add_event(name: str) None[ソース]

Register an event called name.

This is needed to be able to emit it.


name -- The name of the event

Sphinx.set_translator(name: str, translator_class: type[nodes.NodeVisitor], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register or override a Docutils translator class.

This is used to register a custom output translator or to replace a builtin translator. This allows extensions to use a custom translator and define custom nodes for the translator (see add_node()).

  • name -- The name of the builder for the translator

  • translator_class -- A translator class

  • override -- If true, install the translator forcedly even if another translator is already installed as the same name

Added in version 1.3.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_node(node: type[Element], override: bool = False, **kwargs: tuple[Callable, Callable | None]) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils node class.

This is necessary for Docutils internals. It may also be used in the future to validate nodes in the parsed documents.

  • node -- A node class

  • kwargs -- Visitor functions for each builder (see below)

  • override -- If true, install the node forcedly even if another node is already installed as the same name

Node visitor functions for the Sphinx HTML, LaTeX, text and manpage writers can be given as keyword arguments: the keyword should be one or more of 'html', 'latex', 'text', 'man', 'texinfo' or any other supported translators, the value a 2-tuple of (visit, depart) methods. depart can be None if the visit function raises docutils.nodes.SkipNode. Example:

class math(docutils.nodes.Element): pass

def visit_math_html(self, node):
    self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'math'))
def depart_math_html(self, node):

app.add_node(math, html=(visit_math_html, depart_math_html))


バージョン 0.5 で変更: ビジター関数を、キーワード引数を使って渡すことができるようになりました。

Sphinx.add_enumerable_node(node: type[Element], figtype: str, title_getter: TitleGetter | None = None, override: bool = False, **kwargs: tuple[Callable, Callable]) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils node class as a numfig target.

Sphinx numbers the node automatically. And then the users can refer it using numref.

  • node -- A node class

  • figtype -- The type of enumerable nodes. Each figtype has individual numbering sequences. As system figtypes, figure, table and code-block are defined. It is possible to add custom nodes to these default figtypes. It is also possible to define new custom figtype if a new figtype is given.

  • title_getter -- A getter function to obtain the title of node. It takes an instance of the enumerable node, and it must return its title as string. The title is used to the default title of references for ref. By default, Sphinx searches docutils.nodes.caption or docutils.nodes.title from the node as a title.

  • kwargs -- Visitor functions for each builder (same as add_node())

  • override -- If true, install the node forcedly even if another node is already installed as the same name

Added in version 1.4.

Sphinx.add_directive(name: str, cls: type[Directive], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils directive.

  • name -- The name of the directive

  • cls -- A directive class

  • override -- If false, do not install it if another directive is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the directive.

For example, a custom directive named my-directive would be added like this:

from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives

class MyDirective(Directive):
    has_content = True
    required_arguments = 1
    optional_arguments = 0
    final_argument_whitespace = True
    option_spec = {
        'class': directives.class_option,
        'name': directives.unchanged,

    def run(self):

def setup(app):
    app.add_directive('my-directive', MyDirective)

For more details, see the Docutils docs .

バージョン 0.6 で変更: Docutils 0.5 スタイルのディレクティブクラスをサポートしました。

バージョン 1.8 で非推奨: Docutils 0.4-style (function based) directives support is deprecated.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_role(name: str, role: Any, override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils role.

  • name -- The name of role

  • role -- A role function

  • override -- If false, do not install it if another role is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the role.

For more details about role functions, see the Docutils docs .

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_generic_role(name: str, nodeclass: type[Node], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a generic Docutils role.

Docutilsのロールを登録します。このロールは特に何もしませんが、与えられた nodeclass を使ってラップされるようになります。


override -- If false, do not install it if another role is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the role.

Added in version 0.6.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_domain(domain: type[Domain], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a domain.

  • domain -- A domain class

  • override -- If false, do not install it if another domain is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the domain.

Added in version 1.0.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_directive_to_domain(domain: str, name: str, cls: type[Directive], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils directive in a domain.

add_directive() と似ていますが、ディレクティブを、 domain で指定されたドメインにのみ追加します。

  • domain -- The name of target domain

  • name -- A name of directive

  • cls -- A directive class

  • override -- If false, do not install it if another directive is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the directive.

Added in version 1.0.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_role_to_domain(domain: str, name: str, role: RoleFunction | XRefRole, override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils role in a domain.

add_role() に似ていますが、 domain で指定されたドメインに、新しいロールを追加します。

  • domain -- The name of the target domain

  • name -- The name of the role

  • role -- The role function

  • override -- If false, do not install it if another role is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the role.

Added in version 1.0.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_index_to_domain(domain: str, index: type[Index], _override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a custom index for a domain.

Add a custom index class to the domain named domain.

  • domain -- The name of the target domain

  • index -- The index class

  • override -- If false, do not install it if another index is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the index.

Added in version 1.0.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_object_type(directivename: str, rolename: str, indextemplate: str = '', parse_node: Callable | None = None, ref_nodeclass: type[nodes.TextElement] | None = None, objname: str = '', doc_field_types: Sequence = (), override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a new object type.

このメソッドは、クロスリファレンスを作成できる、新しい object 型を追加できる便利なメソッドです。このメソッドは以下のことを行います:

  • Create a new directive (called directivename) for documenting an object. It will automatically add index entries if indextemplate is nonempty; if given, it must contain exactly one instance of %s. See the example below for how the template will be interpreted.

  • rolename で指定された名前を持つ、新しいロールが作成されます。これを使用すると、これらのオブジェクトの説明に対して、クロスリファレンスを張ることができるようになります。

  • parse_node を指定する場合には、文字列と、docutilsのノードを受け取る関数を指定しなければなりません。ノードは、その文字列をパースして得られた子供のノードを受け取ります。この関数はクロスリファレンスと索引のエントリーで使用される名前を返さなければなりません。ここの説明のサンプルを見たい場合には、Sphinxのソースコードの conf.py を参照してください。

  • objname (もし与えられなければ、デフォルトでは directivename と同値になります)は、オブジェクトのタイプ名の名前を付けます。これは、検索結果など、オブジェクトを一覧表示する場合に使用されます。


app.add_object_type('directive', 'dir', 'pair: %s; directive')


.. rst:directive:: function

   Document a function.


See also the :rst:dir:`function` directive.


.. index:: pair: function; directive

リファレンスノードのクラスは、 ref_nodeclass を指定しない場合には literal (コードの記述に適したプロポーショナルフォントでレンダリングされる)になります。クラスは、docutilsのノードクラスを設定する必要があります。docutilsのクラスの中で頻繁に使用されるのは docutils.nodes.emphasis あるいは docutils.nodes.strong です。もしも装飾が不要であれば、 docutils.nodes.generated も使用できます。もしテキストをリテラルとして処理したいなら(例えばスマートクォート置換が扶養であれば)、そしてタイプライタースタイルで表示したくないなら、 sphinx.addnodes.literal_emphasissphinx.addnodes.literal_strong を使用してください。

ロールの中身に関しては、標準のSphinxのロールと同じ構文を使用できます(Syntax 参照)。

If override is True, the given object_type is forcedly installed even if an object_type having the same name is already installed.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_crossref_type(directivename: str, rolename: str, indextemplate: str = '', ref_nodeclass: type[nodes.TextElement] | None = None, objname: str = '', override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a new crossref object type.

This method is very similar to add_object_type() except that the directive it generates must be empty, and will produce no output.

これは、セマンティックのターゲットをソースに追加して、カスタムのロールを使用して参照することができるということを意味しています。ただし、 ref のような一般的なものは使用することができません。サンプル:

app.add_crossref_type('topic', 'topic', 'single: %s',


.. topic:: application API

The application API

Some random text here.

See also :topic:`this section <application API>`.

もちろん、 topic ディレクティブに続く要素はセクションでなくてもかまいません。


override -- If false, do not install it if another cross-reference type is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the cross-reference type.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_transform(transform: type[Transform]) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils transform to be applied after parsing.

Add the standard docutils Transform subclass transform to the list of transforms that are applied after Sphinx parses a reST document.


transform -- A transform class

priority range categories for Sphinx transforms


Main purpose in Sphinx


Fix invalid nodes by docutils. Translate a doctree.








Post processing. Deadline to modify text and referencing.


Collect referencing and referenced nodes. Domain processing.


Finalize and clean up.

refs: Transform Priority Range Categories

Sphinx.add_post_transform(transform: type[Transform]) None[ソース]

Register a Docutils transform to be applied before writing.

Add the standard docutils Transform subclass transform to the list of transforms that are applied before Sphinx writes a document.


transform -- A transform class

Sphinx.add_js_file(filename: str | None, priority: int = 500, loading_method: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None[ソース]

Register a JavaScript file to include in the HTML output.

  • filename -- The name of a JavaScript file that the default HTML template will include. It must be relative to the HTML static path, or a full URI with scheme, or None . The None value is used to create an inline <script> tag. See the description of kwargs below.

  • priority -- Files are included in ascending order of priority. If multiple JavaScript files have the same priority, those files will be included in order of registration. See list of "priority range for JavaScript files" below.

  • loading_method -- The loading method for the JavaScript file. Either 'async' or 'defer' are allowed.

  • kwargs -- Extra keyword arguments are included as attributes of the <script> tag. If the special keyword argument body is given, its value will be added as the content of the <script> tag.


# => <script src="_static/example.js"></script>

app.add_js_file('example.js', loading_method="async")
# => <script src="_static/example.js" async="async"></script>

app.add_js_file(None, body="var myVariable = 'foo';")
# => <script>var myVariable = 'foo';</script>
priority range for JavaScript files


Main purpose in Sphinx


default priority for built-in JavaScript files


default priority for extensions


default priority for html_js_files

A JavaScript file can be added to the specific HTML page when an extension calls this method on html-page-context event.

Added in version 0.5.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Renamed from app.add_javascript(). And it allows keyword arguments as attributes of script tag.

バージョン 3.5 で変更: Take priority argument. Allow to add a JavaScript file to the specific page.

バージョン 4.4 で変更: Take loading_method argument. Allow to change the loading method of the JavaScript file.

Sphinx.add_css_file(filename: str, priority: int = 500, **kwargs: Any) None[ソース]

Register a stylesheet to include in the HTML output.

  • filename -- The name of a CSS file that the default HTML template will include. It must be relative to the HTML static path, or a full URI with scheme.

  • priority -- Files are included in ascending order of priority. If multiple CSS files have the same priority, those files will be included in order of registration. See list of "priority range for CSS files" below.

  • kwargs -- Extra keyword arguments are included as attributes of the <link> tag.


# => <link rel="stylesheet" href="_static/custom.css" type="text/css" />

app.add_css_file('print.css', media='print')
# => <link rel="stylesheet" href="_static/print.css"
#          type="text/css" media="print" />

app.add_css_file('fancy.css', rel='alternate stylesheet', title='fancy')
# => <link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="_static/fancy.css"
#          type="text/css" title="fancy" />
priority range for CSS files


Main purpose in Sphinx


default priority for built-in CSS files


default priority for extensions


default priority for html_css_files

A CSS file can be added to the specific HTML page when an extension calls this method on html-page-context event.

Added in version 1.0.

バージョン 1.6 で変更: Optional alternate and/or title attributes can be supplied with the arguments alternate (a Boolean) and title (a string). The default is no title and alternate = False. For more information, refer to the documentation.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Renamed from app.add_stylesheet(). And it allows keyword arguments as attributes of link tag.

バージョン 3.5 で変更: Take priority argument. Allow to add a CSS file to the specific page.

Sphinx.add_latex_package(packagename: str, options: str | None = None, after_hyperref: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a package to include in the LaTeX source code.

Add packagename to the list of packages that LaTeX source code will include. If you provide options, it will be taken to the usepackage declaration. If you set after_hyperref truthy, the package will be loaded after hyperref package.

# => \usepackage{mypackage}
app.add_latex_package('mypackage', 'foo,bar')
# => \usepackage[foo,bar]{mypackage}

Added in version 1.3.

Added in version 3.1: after_hyperref option.

Sphinx.add_lexer(alias: str, lexer: type[Lexer]) None[ソース]

Register a new lexer for source code.

Use lexer to highlight code blocks with the given language alias.

Added in version 0.6.

バージョン 2.1 で変更: Take a lexer class as an argument.

バージョン 4.0 で変更: Removed support for lexer instances as an argument.

Sphinx.add_autodocumenter(cls: type[Documenter], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a new documenter class for the autodoc extension.

Add cls as a new documenter class for the sphinx.ext.autodoc extension. It must be a subclass of sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter. This allows auto-documenting new types of objects. See the source of the autodoc module for examples on how to subclass Documenter.

If override is True, the given cls is forcedly installed even if a documenter having the same name is already installed.

See Developing autodoc extensions.

Added in version 0.6.

バージョン 2.2 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_autodoc_attrgetter(typ: type, getter: Callable[[Any, str, Any], Any]) None[ソース]

Register a new getattr-like function for the autodoc extension.

Add getter, which must be a function with an interface compatible to the getattr() builtin, as the autodoc attribute getter for objects that are instances of typ. All cases where autodoc needs to get an attribute of a type are then handled by this function instead of getattr().

Added in version 0.6.

Sphinx.add_search_language(cls: type[SearchLanguage]) None[ソース]

Register a new language for the HTML search index.

言語ごとに、HTMLの全文検索インデックスを構築する、 sphinx.search.SearchLanguage クラスのサブクラスである cls を追加します。このクラスにはどの言語から使われるのかを表す、 lang 属性を持たせる必要があります。詳しくは、 html_search_language を参照してください。

Added in version 1.1.

Sphinx.add_source_suffix(suffix: str, filetype: str, override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a suffix of source files.

Same as source_suffix. The users can override this using the config setting.


override -- If false, do not install it the same suffix is already installed. If true, unconditionally install the suffix.

Added in version 1.8.

Sphinx.add_source_parser(parser: type[Parser], override: bool = False) None[ソース]

Register a parser class.


override -- If false, do not install it if another parser is already installed for the same suffix. If true, unconditionally install the parser.

Added in version 1.4.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: suffix argument is deprecated. It only accepts parser argument. Use add_source_suffix() API to register suffix instead.

バージョン 1.8 で変更: Add override keyword.

Sphinx.add_env_collector(collector: type[EnvironmentCollector]) None[ソース]

Register an environment collector class.

Refer to Environment Collector API.

Added in version 1.6.

Sphinx.add_html_theme(name: str, theme_path: str | PathLike[str]) None[ソース]

Register a HTML Theme.

The name is a name of theme, and theme_path is a full path to the theme (refs: Distribute your theme as a Python package).

Added in version 1.6.

Sphinx.add_html_math_renderer(name: str, inline_renderers: tuple[Callable, Callable | None] | None = None, block_renderers: tuple[Callable, Callable | None] | None = None) None[ソース]

Register a math renderer for HTML.

The name is a name of math renderer. Both inline_renderers and block_renderers are used as visitor functions for the HTML writer: the former for inline math node (nodes.math), the latter for block math node (nodes.math_block). Regarding visitor functions, see add_node() for details.

Added in version 1.8.

Sphinx.add_message_catalog(catalog: str, locale_dir: str | PathLike[str]) None[ソース]

Register a message catalog.

  • catalog -- The name of the catalog

  • locale_dir -- The base path of the message catalog

For more details, see sphinx.locale.get_translation().

Added in version 1.8.

Sphinx.is_parallel_allowed(typ: str) bool[ソース]

Check whether parallel processing is allowed or not.


typ -- A type of processing; 'read' or 'write'.

Sphinx.set_html_assets_policy(policy: Literal['always', 'per_page']) None[ソース]

Set the policy to include assets in HTML pages.

  • always: include the assets in all the pages

  • per_page: include the assets only in pages where they are used

exception sphinx.application.ExtensionError



class sphinx.application.Sphinx[ソース]
emit(event: str, *args: Any, allowed_exceptions: tuple[type[Exception], ...] = ()) list[ソース]

Emit event and pass arguments to the callback functions.

Return the return values of all callbacks as a list. Do not emit core Sphinx events in extensions!

  • event -- The name of event that will be emitted

  • args -- The arguments for the event

  • allowed_exceptions -- The list of exceptions that are allowed in the callbacks

バージョン 3.1 で変更: Added allowed_exceptions to specify path-through exceptions

emit_firstresult(event: str, *args: Any, allowed_exceptions: tuple[type[Exception], ...] = ()) Any[ソース]

Emit event and pass arguments to the callback functions.

Return the result of the first callback that doesn't return None.

  • event -- The name of event that will be emitted

  • args -- The arguments for the event

  • allowed_exceptions -- The list of exceptions that are allowed in the callbacks

Added in version 0.5.

バージョン 3.1 で変更: Added allowed_exceptions to specify path-through exceptions

Sphinx runtime information

The application object also provides runtime information as attributes.


ターゲットプロジェクト。 Project を参照してください。




Directory containing conf.py.


pickle化された doctree を格納するディレクトリ


Directory for storing built document.


True/False as to whether a new environment was created for this build, or None if the environment has not been initialised yet.



Moved to Event callbacks API.

Sphinx のバージョン確認


sphinx.version_info = (8, 2, 0, 'beta', 0)

プログラムから扱いやすい形式の Sphinx バージョンです。

バージョン情報は 5要素のタプルで表現されます。バージョン 1.2.1 beta 3 では (1, 2, 1, 'beta', 3) と表現されます。4番目の要素は alphabetarcfinal のいずれかの値を取ります。 final の場合、最後の要素は常に 0 となります。

Added in version 1.2: バージョン1.2より前では sphinx.__version__ (文字列) を参照してください。

Config オブジェクト

class sphinx.config.Config(config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, overrides: dict[str, Any] | None = None)[ソース]


The Config object makes the values of all config options available as attributes.

It is exposed via the Sphinx.config and sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.config attributes. For example, to get the value of language, use either app.config.language or env.config.language.


class sphinx.application.TemplateBridge[ソース]


init(builder: Builder, theme: Theme | None = None, dirs: list[str] | None = None) None[ソース]


builder はビルダーオブジェクトで、 builder.config.templates_path の値を使用することになるでしょう。

themesphinx.theming.Theme オブジェクト、あるいは None になります。後者の場合には、 dirs に固定ディレクトリのパスが入ったリストが渡され、この中からテンプレートを探します。

newest_template_mtime() float[ソース]

このメソッドはビルダーから呼ばれます。テンプレートが変更されたことで、出力ファイルを再レンダリングする必要があるかどうかの判断をするために使用されます。変更された、最新のテンプレートのmtimeを返します。デフォルトの実装では 0 を返します。

render(template: str, context: dict[str, Any]) None[ソース]

指定された context (Python辞書)を使用して、 template で指定されたファイル名のテンプレートのレンダリングを行います。ビルダーから呼ばれます。

render_string(template: str, context: dict) str[ソース]

指定された context (Python辞書)を使用して、 template で指定された文字列形式のテンプレートのレンダリングを行います。ビルダーから呼ばれます。


exception sphinx.errors.SphinxError[ソース]

Base class for Sphinx errors.

これは "ナイスな" 例外を作成するための基底クラスです。この例外が発生すると、Sphinxはビルドを中止し、例外のカテゴリとメッセージをユーザーに表示します。


SphinxError から 継承されない 例外は予期しない例外として扱われ、トレースバックの一部を表示(そして、全部を一時ファイルに保存)します。


例外の "category" の記述部分は、例外内容を文字列に変換する場合に利用されます("category: message" という書式)。 例外のサブクラスに応じて適切に設定するべきです。

exception sphinx.errors.ConfigError[ソース]

Configuration error.

exception sphinx.errors.ExtensionError(message: str, orig_exc: Exception | None = None, modname: str | None = None)[ソース]

Extension error.

exception sphinx.errors.ThemeError[ソース]

Theme error.

exception sphinx.errors.VersionRequirementError[ソース]

Incompatible Sphinx version error.