sphinx.builders.singlehtml 源代码

"""Single HTML builders."""

from __future__ import annotations

from os import path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from docutils import nodes

from sphinx.builders.html import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
from sphinx.environment.adapters.toctree import global_toctree_for_doc
from sphinx.locale import __
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.console import darkgreen
from sphinx.util.display import progress_message
from sphinx.util.nodes import inline_all_toctrees

    from docutils.nodes import Node

    from sphinx.application import Sphinx
    from sphinx.util.typing import ExtensionMetadata

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[文档] class SingleFileHTMLBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder): """ A StandaloneHTMLBuilder subclass that puts the whole document tree on one HTML page. """ name = 'singlehtml' epilog = __('The HTML page is in %(outdir)s.') copysource = False def get_outdated_docs(self) -> str | list[str]: # type: ignore[override] return 'all documents' def get_target_uri(self, docname: str, typ: str | None = None) -> str: if docname in self.env.all_docs: # all references are on the same page... return '#document-' + docname else: # chances are this is a html_additional_page return docname + self.out_suffix def get_relative_uri(self, from_: str, to: str, typ: str | None = None) -> str: # ignore source return self.get_target_uri(to, typ) def fix_refuris(self, tree: Node) -> None: # fix refuris with double anchor fname = self.config.root_doc + self.out_suffix for refnode in tree.findall(nodes.reference): if 'refuri' not in refnode: continue refuri = refnode['refuri'] hashindex = refuri.find('#') if hashindex < 0: continue hashindex = refuri.find('#', hashindex + 1) if hashindex >= 0: refnode['refuri'] = fname + refuri[hashindex:] def _get_local_toctree(self, docname: str, collapse: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> str: if isinstance(includehidden := kwargs.get('includehidden'), str): if includehidden.lower() == 'false': kwargs['includehidden'] = False elif includehidden.lower() == 'true': kwargs['includehidden'] = True if kwargs.get('maxdepth') == '': kwargs.pop('maxdepth') toctree = global_toctree_for_doc(self.env, docname, self, collapse=collapse, **kwargs) if toctree is not None: self.fix_refuris(toctree) return self.render_partial(toctree)['fragment'] def assemble_doctree(self) -> nodes.document: master = self.config.root_doc tree = self.env.get_doctree(master) tree = inline_all_toctrees(self, set(), master, tree, darkgreen, [master]) tree['docname'] = master self.env.resolve_references(tree, master, self) self.fix_refuris(tree) return tree def assemble_toc_secnumbers(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, tuple[int, ...]]]: # Assemble toc_secnumbers to resolve section numbers on SingleHTML. # Merge all secnumbers to single secnumber. # # Note: current Sphinx has refid confliction in singlehtml mode. # To avoid the problem, it replaces key of secnumbers to # tuple of docname and refid. # # There are related codes in inline_all_toctres() and # HTMLTranslter#add_secnumber(). new_secnumbers: dict[str, tuple[int, ...]] = {} for docname, secnums in self.env.toc_secnumbers.items(): for id, secnum in secnums.items(): alias = f"{docname}/{id}" new_secnumbers[alias] = secnum return {self.config.root_doc: new_secnumbers} def assemble_toc_fignumbers(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, tuple[int, ...]]]]: # Assemble toc_fignumbers to resolve figure numbers on SingleHTML. # Merge all fignumbers to single fignumber. # # Note: current Sphinx has refid confliction in singlehtml mode. # To avoid the problem, it replaces key of secnumbers to # tuple of docname and refid. # # There are related codes in inline_all_toctres() and # HTMLTranslter#add_fignumber(). new_fignumbers: dict[str, dict[str, tuple[int, ...]]] = {} # {'foo': {'figure': {'id2': (2,), 'id1': (1,)}}, 'bar': {'figure': {'id1': (3,)}}} for docname, fignumlist in self.env.toc_fignumbers.items(): for figtype, fignums in fignumlist.items(): alias = f"{docname}/{figtype}" new_fignumbers.setdefault(alias, {}) for id, fignum in fignums.items(): new_fignumbers[alias][id] = fignum return {self.config.root_doc: new_fignumbers} def get_doc_context(self, docname: str, body: str, metatags: str) -> dict[str, Any]: # no relation links... toctree = global_toctree_for_doc(self.env, self.config.root_doc, self, collapse=False) # if there is no toctree, toc is None if toctree: self.fix_refuris(toctree) toc = self.render_partial(toctree)['fragment'] display_toc = True else: toc = '' display_toc = False return { 'parents': [], 'prev': None, 'next': None, 'docstitle': None, 'title': self.config.html_title, 'meta': None, 'body': body, 'metatags': metatags, 'rellinks': [], 'sourcename': '', 'toc': toc, 'display_toc': display_toc, } def write(self, *ignored: Any) -> None: docnames = self.env.all_docs with progress_message(__('preparing documents')): self.prepare_writing(docnames) # type: ignore[arg-type] with progress_message(__('assembling single document')): doctree = self.assemble_doctree() self.env.toc_secnumbers = self.assemble_toc_secnumbers() self.env.toc_fignumbers = self.assemble_toc_fignumbers() with progress_message(__('writing')): self.write_doc_serialized(self.config.root_doc, doctree) self.write_doc(self.config.root_doc, doctree) def finish(self) -> None: self.write_additional_files() self.copy_image_files() self.copy_download_files() self.copy_static_files() self.copy_extra_files() self.write_buildinfo() self.dump_inventory() @progress_message(__('writing additional files')) def write_additional_files(self) -> None: # no indices or search pages are supported # additional pages from conf.py for pagename, template in self.config.html_additional_pages.items(): logger.info(' ' + pagename, nonl=True) self.handle_page(pagename, {}, template) if self.config.html_use_opensearch: logger.info(' opensearch', nonl=True) fn = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'opensearch.xml') self.handle_page('opensearch', {}, 'opensearch.xml', outfilename=fn)
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> ExtensionMetadata: app.setup_extension('sphinx.builders.html') app.add_builder(SingleFileHTMLBuilder) app.add_config_value('singlehtml_sidebars', lambda self: self.html_sidebars, 'html') return { 'version': 'builtin', 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }