Sphinx 4.5

Release 4.5.0 (released Mar 28, 2022)

Incompatible changes

  • #10112: extlinks: Disable hardcoded links detector by default

  • #9993, #10177: std domain: Disallow to refer an inline target via ref role


  • sphinx.ext.napoleon.docstring.GoogleDocstring._qualify_name()

Features added

  • #10260: Enable FORCE_COLOR and NO_COLOR for terminal colouring

  • #10234: autosummary: Add “autosummary” CSS class to summary tables

  • #10125: extlinks: Improve suggestion message for a reference having title

  • #10112: extlinks: Add extlinks_detect_hardcoded_links to enable hardcoded links detector feature

  • #9494, #9456: html search: Add a config variable html_show_search_summary to enable/disable the search summaries

  • #9337: HTML theme, add option enable_search_shortcuts that enables / as a Quick search shortcut and Esc shortcut that removes search highlighting.

  • #10107: i18n: Allow to suppress translation warnings by adding #noqa comment to the tail of each translation message

  • #10252: C++, support attributes on classes, unions, and enums.

  • #10253: pep role now generates URLs based on peps.python.org

Bugs fixed

  • #9876: autodoc: Failed to document an imported class that is built from native binary module

  • #10133: autodoc: Crashed when mocked module is used for type annotation

  • #10146: autodoc: autodoc_default_options does not support no-value option

  • #9971: autodoc: TypeError is raised when the target object is annotated by unhashable object

  • #10205: extlinks: Failed to compile regexp on checking hardcoded links

  • #10277: html search: Could not search short words (ex. “use”)

  • #9529: LaTeX: named auto numbered footnote (ex. [#named]) that is referred multiple times was rendered to a question mark

  • #9924: LaTeX: multi-line cpp:function directive has big vertical spacing in Latexpdf

  • #10158: LaTeX: excessive whitespace since v4.4.0 for undocumented variables/structure members

  • #10175: LaTeX: named footnote reference is linked to an incorrect footnote if the name is also used in the different document

  • #10269: manpage: Failed to resolve the title of ref cross references

  • #10179: i18n: suppress “rST localization” warning

  • #10118: imgconverter: Unnecessary availability check is called for remote URIs

  • #10181: napoleon: attributes are displayed like class attributes for google style docstrings when napoleon_use_ivar is enabled

  • #10122: sphinx-build: make.bat does not check the installation of sphinx-build command before showing help