Código fuente para sphinx.builders.texinfo

"""Texinfo builder."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import os.path
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
from docutils.io import FileOutput

from sphinx import addnodes, package_dir
from sphinx._cli.util.colour import darkgreen
from sphinx.builders import Builder
from sphinx.environment.adapters.asset import ImageAdapter
from sphinx.errors import NoUri
from sphinx.locale import _, __
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.display import progress_message, status_iterator
from sphinx.util.docutils import new_document
from sphinx.util.nodes import inline_all_toctrees
from sphinx.util.osutil import SEP, copyfile, ensuredir, make_filename_from_project
from sphinx.writers.texinfo import TexinfoTranslator, TexinfoWriter

    from collections.abc import Iterable, Set
    from typing import Any

    from docutils.nodes import Node

    from sphinx.application import Sphinx
    from sphinx.config import Config
    from sphinx.util.typing import ExtensionMetadata

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
template_dir = Path(package_dir, 'templates', 'texinfo')

[documentos] class TexinfoBuilder(Builder): """Builds Texinfo output to create Info documentation.""" name = 'texinfo' format = 'texinfo' epilog = __('The Texinfo files are in %(outdir)s.') if os.name == 'posix': epilog += __( "\nRun 'make' in that directory to run these through " 'makeinfo\n' "(use 'make info' here to do that automatically)." ) supported_image_types = ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'] default_translator_class = TexinfoTranslator def init(self) -> None: self.docnames: Iterable[str] = [] self.document_data: list[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, str, bool]] = [] def get_outdated_docs(self) -> str | list[str]: return 'all documents' # for now def get_target_uri(self, docname: str, typ: str | None = None) -> str: if docname not in self.docnames: raise NoUri(docname, typ) return '%' + docname def get_relative_uri(self, from_: str, to: str, typ: str | None = None) -> str: # ignore source path return self.get_target_uri(to, typ) def prepare_writing(self, _docnames: Set[str]) -> None: preliminary_document_data = [list(x) for x in self.config.texinfo_documents] if not preliminary_document_data: logger.warning( __( 'no "texinfo_documents" config value found; no documents ' 'will be written' ) ) return # assign subdirs to titles self.titles: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] for entry in preliminary_document_data: docname = entry[0] if docname not in self.env.all_docs: logger.warning( __( '"texinfo_documents" config value references unknown ' 'document %s' ), docname, ) continue self.document_data.append(entry) # type: ignore[arg-type] docname = docname.removesuffix(SEP + 'index') self.titles.append((docname, entry[2])) def write_documents(self, _docnames: Set[str]) -> None: for entry in self.document_data: docname, targetname, title, author = entry[:4] targetname += '.texi' direntry = description = category = '' if len(entry) > 6: direntry, description, category = entry[4:7] toctree_only = False if len(entry) > 7: toctree_only = entry[7] destination = FileOutput( destination_path=self.outdir / targetname, encoding='utf-8', ) with progress_message(__('processing %s') % targetname, nonl=False): appendices = self.config.texinfo_appendices or [] doctree = self.assemble_doctree( docname, toctree_only, appendices=appendices ) with progress_message(__('writing')): self.post_process_images(doctree) docwriter = TexinfoWriter(self) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) # DeprecationWarning: The frontend.OptionParser class will be replaced # by a subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser in Docutils 0.21 or later. settings: Any = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(docwriter,), read_config_files=True, ).get_default_values() settings.author = author settings.title = title settings.texinfo_filename = targetname[:-5] + '.info' settings.texinfo_elements = self.config.texinfo_elements settings.texinfo_dir_entry = direntry or '' settings.texinfo_dir_category = category or '' settings.texinfo_dir_description = description or '' settings.docname = docname doctree.settings = settings docwriter.write(doctree, destination) self.copy_image_files(targetname[:-5]) def assemble_doctree( self, indexfile: str, toctree_only: bool, appendices: list[str], ) -> nodes.document: self.docnames = {indexfile, *appendices} logger.info(darkgreen(indexfile)) tree = self.env.get_doctree(indexfile) tree['docname'] = indexfile if toctree_only: # extract toctree nodes from the tree and put them in a # fresh document new_tree = new_document('<texinfo output>') new_sect = nodes.section() new_sect += nodes.title('<Set title in conf.py>', '<Set title in conf.py>') new_tree += new_sect for node in tree.findall(addnodes.toctree): new_sect += node tree = new_tree largetree = inline_all_toctrees( self, self.docnames, indexfile, tree, darkgreen, [indexfile] ) largetree['docname'] = indexfile for docname in appendices: appendix = self.env.get_doctree(docname) appendix['docname'] = docname largetree.append(appendix) logger.info('') logger.info(__('resolving references...')) self.env.resolve_references(largetree, indexfile, self) # TODO: add support for external :ref:s for pendingnode in largetree.findall(addnodes.pending_xref): docname = pendingnode['refdocname'] sectname = pendingnode['refsectname'] newnodes: list[Node] = [nodes.emphasis(sectname, sectname)] for subdir, title in self.titles: if docname.startswith(subdir): newnodes.extend(( nodes.Text(_(' (in ')), nodes.emphasis(title, title), nodes.Text(')'), )) break pendingnode.replace_self(newnodes) return largetree def copy_assets(self) -> None: self.copy_support_files() def copy_image_files(self, targetname: str) -> None: if self.images: stringify_func = ImageAdapter(self.env).get_original_image_uri for src in status_iterator( self.images, __('copying images... '), 'brown', len(self.images), self.app.verbosity, stringify_func=stringify_func, ): dest = self.images[src] try: imagedir = self.outdir / f'{targetname}-figures' ensuredir(imagedir) copyfile( self.srcdir / src, imagedir / dest, force=True, ) except Exception as err: logger.warning( __('cannot copy image file %r: %s'), self.srcdir / src, err, ) def copy_support_files(self) -> None: try: with progress_message(__('copying Texinfo support files')): logger.info('Makefile ', nonl=True) copyfile( template_dir / 'Makefile', self.outdir / 'Makefile', force=True, ) except OSError as err: logger.warning(__('error writing file Makefile: %s'), err)
def default_texinfo_documents( config: Config, ) -> list[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, str]]: """Better default texinfo_documents settings.""" filename = make_filename_from_project(config.project) return [ ( config.root_doc, filename, config.project, config.author, filename, 'One line description of project', 'Miscellaneous', ) ] def setup(app: Sphinx) -> ExtensionMetadata: app.add_builder(TexinfoBuilder) app.add_config_value('texinfo_documents', default_texinfo_documents, '') app.add_config_value('texinfo_appendices', [], '') app.add_config_value('texinfo_elements', {}, '') app.add_config_value( 'texinfo_domain_indices', True, '', types=frozenset({set, list}) ) app.add_config_value('texinfo_show_urls', 'footnote', '') app.add_config_value('texinfo_no_detailmenu', False, '') app.add_config_value('texinfo_cross_references', True, '') return { 'version': 'builtin', 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }