Código fuente para sphinxcontrib.qthelp

"""Build input files for the Qt collection generator."""

from __future__ import annotations

import html
import os
import posixpath
import re
from collections.abc import Iterable
from os import path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast

from docutils import nodes
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.builders.html import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
from sphinx.environment.adapters.indexentries import IndexEntries
from sphinx.locale import get_translation
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.nodes import NodeMatcher
from sphinx.util.osutil import canon_path, make_filename
from sphinx.util.template import SphinxRenderer

    from docutils.nodes import Node
    from sphinx.application import Sphinx

__version__ = '2.0.0'
__version_info__ = (2, 0, 0)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
package_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))

__ = get_translation(__name__, 'console')

_idpattern = re.compile(
    r'(?P<title>.+) (\((class in )?(?P<id>[\w\.]+)( (?P<descr>\w+))?\))$')

section_template = '<section title="%(title)s" ref="%(ref)s"/>'

def render_file(filename: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
    pathname = path.join(package_dir, 'templates', filename)
    return SphinxRenderer.render_from_file(pathname, kwargs)

[documentos] class QtHelpBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder): """ Builder that also outputs Qt help project, contents and index files. """ name = 'qthelp' epilog = __('You can now run "qcollectiongenerator" with the .qhcp ' 'project file in %(outdir)s, like this:\n' '$ qcollectiongenerator %(outdir)s/%(project)s.qhcp\n' 'To view the help file:\n' '$ assistant -collectionFile %(outdir)s/%(project)s.qhc') # don't copy the reST source copysource = False supported_image_types = ['image/svg+xml', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg'] # don't add links add_permalinks = False # don't add sidebar etc. embedded = True # disable download role download_support = False # don't generate the search index or include the search page search = False def init(self) -> None: super().init() # the output files for HTML help must be .html only self.out_suffix = '.html' self.link_suffix = '.html' # self.config.html_style = 'traditional.css' def get_theme_config(self) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str | int | bool]]: return self.config.qthelp_theme, self.config.qthelp_theme_options def handle_finish(self) -> None: self.epilog = self.epilog % { 'outdir': '%(outdir)s', 'project': self.config.qthelp_basename, } self.build_qhp(self.outdir, self.config.qthelp_basename) def build_qhp(self, outdir: str | os.PathLike[str], outname: str) -> None: logger.info(__('writing project file...')) # sections tocdoc = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(self.config.master_doc, self, prune_toctrees=False) sections = [] matcher = NodeMatcher(addnodes.compact_paragraph, toctree=True) for node in tocdoc.findall(matcher): sections.extend(self.write_toc(node)) for indexname, indexcls, _content, _collapse in self.domain_indices: item = section_template % {'title': indexcls.localname, 'ref': indexname + self.out_suffix} sections.append(' ' * 4 * 4 + item) sections = '\n'.join(sections) # type: ignore[assignment] # keywords keywords = [] index = IndexEntries(self.env).create_index(self, group_entries=False) for (_group_key, group) in index: for title, (refs, subitems, _category_key) in group: keywords.extend(self.build_keywords(title, refs, subitems)) keywords = '\n'.join(keywords) # type: ignore[assignment] # it seems that the "namespace" may not contain non-alphanumeric # characters, and more than one successive dot, or leading/trailing # dots, are also forbidden if self.config.qthelp_namespace: nspace = self.config.qthelp_namespace else: nspace = f'org.sphinx.{outname}.{self.config.version}' nspace = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-]', '', nspace) nspace = re.sub(r'\.+', '.', nspace).strip('.') nspace = nspace.lower() # write the project file body = render_file('project.qhp', outname=outname, title=self.config.html_title, version=self.config.version, project=self.config.project, namespace=nspace, master_doc=self.config.master_doc, sections=sections, keywords=keywords, files=self.get_project_files(outdir)) filename = Path(outdir, f'{outname}.qhp') filename.write_text(body, encoding='utf-8') homepage = 'qthelp://' + posixpath.join( nspace, 'doc', self.get_target_uri(self.config.master_doc)) startpage = 'qthelp://' + posixpath.join(nspace, 'doc', f'index{self.link_suffix}') logger.info(__('writing collection project file...')) body = render_file('project.qhcp', outname=outname, title=self.config.html_short_title, homepage=homepage, startpage=startpage) filename = Path(outdir, f'{outname}.qhcp') filename.write_text(body, encoding='utf-8') def isdocnode(self, node: Node) -> bool: if not isinstance(node, nodes.list_item): return False if len(node.children) != 2: return False if not isinstance(node[0], addnodes.compact_paragraph): return False if not isinstance(node[0][0], nodes.reference): return False return isinstance(node[1], nodes.bullet_list) def write_toc(self, node: Node, indentlevel: int = 4) -> list[str]: parts: list[str] = [] if isinstance(node, nodes.list_item) and self.isdocnode(node): compact_paragraph = cast(addnodes.compact_paragraph, node[0]) reference = cast(nodes.reference, compact_paragraph[0]) link = reference['refuri'] title = html.escape(reference.astext()).replace('"', '&quot;') item = f'<section title="{title}" ref="{link}">' parts.append(' ' * 4 * indentlevel + item) bullet_list = cast(nodes.bullet_list, node[1]) list_items = cast(Iterable[nodes.list_item], bullet_list) for list_item in list_items: parts.extend(self.write_toc(list_item, indentlevel + 1)) parts.append(' ' * 4 * indentlevel + '</section>') elif isinstance(node, nodes.list_item): for subnode in node: parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel)) elif isinstance(node, nodes.reference): link = node['refuri'] title = html.escape(node.astext()).replace('"', '&quot;') item = section_template % {'title': title, 'ref': link} item = ' ' * 4 * indentlevel + item parts.append(item.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').decode()) elif isinstance(node, (nodes.bullet_list, addnodes.compact_paragraph)): for subnode in node: parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel)) return parts def keyword_item(self, name: str, ref: Any) -> str: matchobj = _idpattern.match(name) if matchobj: groupdict = matchobj.groupdict() shortname = groupdict['title'] id = groupdict.get('id') # descr = groupdict.get('descr') if shortname.endswith('()'): shortname = shortname[:-2] id = html.escape(f'{id}.{shortname}', True) else: id = None nameattr = html.escape(name, quote=True) refattr = html.escape(ref[1], quote=True) if id: item = ' ' * 12 + f'<keyword name="{nameattr}" id="{id}" ref="{refattr}"/>' else: item = ' ' * 12 + f'<keyword name="{nameattr}" ref="{refattr}"/>' item.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') return item def build_keywords(self, title: str, refs: list[Any], subitems: Any) -> list[str]: keywords: list[str] = [] # if len(refs) == 0: # XXX # write_param('See Also', title) if len(refs) == 1: keywords.append(self.keyword_item(title, refs[0])) elif len(refs) > 1: for _i, ref in enumerate(refs): # XXX # NoQA: FURB148 # item = (' '*12 + # '<keyword name="%s [%d]" ref="%s"/>' % ( # title, i, ref)) # item.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # keywords.append(item) keywords.append(self.keyword_item(title, ref)) if subitems: for subitem in subitems: keywords.extend(self.build_keywords(subitem[0], subitem[1], [])) return keywords def get_project_files(self, outdir: str | os.PathLike[str]) -> list[str]: project_files = [] staticdir = path.join(outdir, '_static') imagesdir = path.join(outdir, self.imagedir) for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(outdir): resourcedir = root.startswith((staticdir, imagesdir)) for fn in sorted(files): if (resourcedir and not fn.endswith('.js')) or fn.endswith('.html'): filename = path.relpath(path.join(root, fn), outdir) project_files.append(canon_path(filename)) return project_files
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> dict[str, Any]: app.require_sphinx('5.0') app.setup_extension('sphinx.builders.html') app.add_builder(QtHelpBuilder) app.add_message_catalog(__name__, path.join(package_dir, 'locales')) app.add_config_value('qthelp_basename', lambda self: make_filename(self.project), 'html') app.add_config_value('qthelp_namespace', None, 'html', [str]) app.add_config_value('qthelp_theme', 'nonav', 'html') app.add_config_value('qthelp_theme_options', {}, 'html') return { 'version': __version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }