sphinx.ext.imgconverter -- A reference image converter using Imagemagick

Added in version 1.6.

This extension converts images in your document to appropriate format for builders. For example, it allows you to use SVG images with LaTeX builder. As a result, you don't mind what image format the builder supports.

By default the extension uses ImageMagick to perform conversions, and will not work if ImageMagick is not installed.


ImageMagick rasterizes a SVG image on conversion. As a result, the image becomes not scalable. To avoid that, please use other image converters like sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter (which uses Inkscape or rsvg-convert).



A path to a conversion command. By default, the imgconverter finds the command from search paths.

On Unix platforms, the command convert is used by default.

On Windows, the command magick is used by default.

バージョン 3.1 で変更: Use magick command by default on windows


convert に与えられる追加のコマンドライン引数のリスト。デフォルトは空リスト [] です。

On Windows, it defaults to ["convert"].

バージョン 3.1 で変更: Use ["convert"] by default on Windows