



El sphinx-quickstart es una herramienta interactiva que, a través de una serie de preguntas sobre tu proyecto, te genera un directorio con la documentación completa y un fichero Makefile para ser utilizado por sphinx-build(1).


-q, --quiet

Quiet mode that skips the interactive wizard for specifying options. This option requires -p, -a and -v options.

-h, --help, --version

Display usage summary or Sphinx version.

Structure Options


If specified, separate source and build directories.


If specified, create build directory under source directory.


Inside the root directory, two more directories will be created; «_templates» for custom HTML templates and «_static» for custom stylesheets and other static files. You can enter another prefix (such as «.») to replace the underscore.

Project Basic Options

-p PROJECT, --project=PROJECT

Project name will be set. (see project).

-a AUTHOR, --author=AUTHOR

Author names. (see copyright).


Version of project. (see version).

-r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE

Release of project. (see release).

-l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE

Document language. (see language).


Source file suffix. (see source_suffix).


Master document name. (see root_doc).

Extension Options


Enable sphinx.ext.autodoc extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.doctest extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.intersphinx extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.todo extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.coverage extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.imgmath extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.mathjax extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.ifconfig extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.viewcode extension.


Enable sphinx.ext.githubpages extension.


Enable arbitrary extensions.

Makefile and Batchfile Creation Options

--use-make-mode (-m), --no-use-make-mode (-M)

Makefile/make.bat uses (or doesn’t use) make-mode. Default is use, which generates a more concise Makefile/make.bat.

Distinto en la versión 1.5: make-mode is default.

Distinto en la versión 7.3: Support for disabling the make-mode will be removed in Sphinx 8.

Removed in version 8.0: The --no-use-make-mode option. The --use-make-mode now has no effect.

--makefile, --no-makefile

Create (or not create) makefile.

--batchfile, --no-batchfile

Create (or not create) batchfile

Plantillas de proyecto

Added in version 1.5: Project templating options for sphinx-quickstart

-t, --templatedir=TEMPLATEDIR

Template directory for template files. You can modify the templates of sphinx project files generated by quickstart. Following Jinja2 template files are allowed:

  • root_doc.rst.jinja

  • conf.py.jinja

  • Makefile.jinja

  • Makefile.new.jinja

  • make.bat.jinja

  • make.bat.new.jinja

In detail, please refer the system template files Sphinx provides. (sphinx/templates/quickstart)


Define a template variable

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